Im_vory foggy to have this opportunity of sharing with you,tho citizens of Galgatfi ona the §;ovinco,my oynions oh the situation in Spain which Eas teen the cootor of attention for tho goat two and a half yogrs for the people througuout the oorl&.Tho fall of Barcelona an& the capture of the Gotalionion Frovinoe oy the Ita1ionfi,Morrooan and German troupo,seems to create the iooa in the minds of many people toot the oar in sP%in is over, that Loyalist Spain hos been aofaatod.As one who has been for ovor oixtoen months in Spain,ao one who lived thoxn through the moot critical porioas of the oar)I want to tell youimy frionds’most omphotio&lly)toat the war in mH fipaino is not ovoojana the Faosiatinvoéoroaro fxamz for from a complete victory.Tho fall of fiorcolona doos not reflect the weakness of the Loyalist % 4 Army or the lock of fietorminotion of the Sepnish yooplo to fight toe foreign invaders. Neither does it reflect the otrenght of Frééooo foreign troops onfi logionarqres The fall ct boooolaoa oootooogght about as o result of fiogoero Coamoerlain Daladoir in oonyingtfooo to tho horioc Spanish pooploiin denying them and_ on oppottunity of oolf éofoose, a policy of otrangloing the Sggmioh govern- ment forcos,ohilo ¢'I25,000 fresh trooys were sent by Eusoilini io Dooomfior to conquer the otorving anfi poorly armed tropps of tho Loyalist Army.A1low me to quote to you from gootordoyo report of the Lonooo Sorrosponoont,A.G.Cum~ mings;l quote;“Tho collapse of Gotolonio,it is &isolosoQ;oamo atout oota result of the moroorouo air tooolng of Italian and fiormoo machines of Repuo~ lican towns onfl vi11ogos,mochino gunning of woman ono ohildron,ohoos bodies littor tho rooa side.A shortage of food woich broke the oivillian moral, treachery in Barcelona itsééf,anfi a tremendous look of arms on& ammunition. Some government regiments hoo only one rifle to too mon.0n the other homo Etalion ano gormgn orti11ory,airp1anes and guns were present on Froéo‘s side in overwhelming quontityo.%ho1osa1o violation of §zoxiifinéz §ussilini’s ploagos, to oenaimooo ommunitiono into bpain olono oxsplains toiagéio of 11 * L ‘ ‘ ‘ t ,. ‘g -. . a Q 0 i 3 f?13R@§,lS 30 ¢13&T1l Statoo toot it moods no comment.