40-hour week; minimum 2 weeks vacation with pay; equal pay for equal, work for women and youth; a minimum wage of 85c per hour; 100% compensation fromthe first dayof injury. A NEW FARM POLICY! r E A provincial farm policy to assure security to the farmers and providestability to their economy. Adequate floor prices on all ‘farm products. a Cl ,e the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. S Su“‘i3ort for an adequate crop insurance scheme. Seek out all possible markets for our agricultural products in the Commonwealth nations and in all countries of the world. Reduction of freight rates. 5. PEOPLE'S WELFARE FIRST! 7 Put the people’s welfare first through a provincial health insurance plan at cost. 0 I ‘ A diagnostic clinic for Winnipeg. Increased hospital accommodation. Provincial responsibility for 50% of all education costs. Municipal housing projects. ' Loans at low interest to individual small "home builders. Prohibit the sale of crime comics and other obscene literature. 6. SAFEGUARD AND‘ EXTEND DEMOCRACY! 5 A Provincial Bill of Rights to guarantee civil rights, regardless . of sex, national or racial origin, opinion or belief. A 0 Voting rights to youth at 18. A ‘ 0 «RE-ELECT WINNIPEG NORTH'S f 4a'o;l;Za‘m; MLA!‘ VOTE ‘mus: A I KARDASH *v'-:3” 1 (Daylight Saving Time) Monday. June 811:. 9 am. 1'0 9'p.m.; Published -by the Labor-Progressive Party. Mantoba ' 607 Main Street. Winnipeg L .::.-;-44:3’-3:'«;..s:...;';§’,_; . .._.n.