Over the Top!

(Described by O. C.)

The -command to get ready to go over is given. The feeling is half surprise, half relief. The man besides me is literally quivering with excitement. He has only arrived today. “It’s only to be expected. This is the first time I have been over. I’m not afraid.” I think how different are our reactions. I had been expecting to feel excited and afraid at this moment, yet I feel cold... every impression is vivid. The sun shining on the littered trenches, the bearded chins, a sandbag fallen in the trench, the weight of the extra ammunition in my pockets.

I get up with one foot on the buttress at the back of the trench and the other on a slope at the front. Crouched down I wait.

“Right! Over you go!” With a leap I get over the sandbags. Still this cold expectancy. Ahead of me four men, running, running.

Then it starts. The four men ahead drop behind the holes of the olives trees, pressing themselves flat against the soil. The nearest tree has earth piled at its foot; I quickly drop down behind it. This all seems strangely unreal. Like play acting. I have the same amused feeling inside me that I had when We were out doing manoeuvres in the days back at the training base. I pull up my rifle and fire ahead.

A man drops down beside me on my left, he crawls close to my legs. Another on my right. I continue firing. Get a feeling of surprise to find my rifle empty. Must have fired more than I thought. I reload. Suddenly, everything is wiped out by a terrific roar. The whole world shakes. My head feels at if it was blown off its shoulders. Have I been hit? I can feel nothing but this intense numbness in the head, yet I remember someone saying that a wound gives no pain for the first hour or two. I shake my head. Itwseems sound. I drop my head to the ground to think. I can see one of the men grouped round the tree in front glaring fiercely back at the man beside me. Realisation dawns. The terrific roar was caused by the man beside me firing his rifle with the muzzle close to my ear. He must have just missed the man in front. Yes, that is it. Bloody fool.

This tin hat is a nuisance. Each time I lift my head to fire, the back edge touches my shoulders and tips it over my eyes.