beaten with sticks. Many times in my 10 months stay, I figured it would have been better to have been shot, than to suffer as most of us did, The Germans Poles and others suffered more than the rest of us + When the Gestapo returned after his Christmas Holidays he asked the Commandante why he hadn't had them all shot + the reply was that he took his orders from Burgos, It is Possible by now that many of them have been shot, or beaten to death. we had little or no medical attention + 8 men died as the result of no treatment Many of the Spaniards who were also at this jail said it was one of the best they had been at, I'm glad I was never at the others, They have left an impression upon my mind + anything connected with fascism will always be by my interest enemy. My stay in San Sebastian was not as bad the conditions were somewhat the same - starvation + bad