"15 pufilic meetings tereugheut Canada; receiving wide eugport free teeueends of our citizens. Shoe your eyprecietion of the heroiem of our eeroee ey
giviee them your moral eeé finenciel eupyortet the meeting to~eight. Teese
true eoléieee of Cenedien fiemocrecy, fieserve the best we cee give them. each is neeéefi iemefiietely. Feeee to their homes, cloteing ene hoeeitelizetien ere their immeéiete neeée. They have effeeeé their lives for our sense,
offer your hamee fer e month to them. Send your contributions to the
committee in charge of reheeilitetion of the returnefi veteeens to tee
folzoseimg eiuirese.’ mm”. M flz/‘béufizwv /¢’¢__gyq4,l-.5. *9/v~¢=»~«/* *-7'" 4A/“Ia/t Z3-— ,(1a...L»e,a' “J / 7/(.,..Wx /¢t4A,.
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