Use for opening In the concentration camp in San Pedro to Cardenas in fascist Spain there were approximately 750 members of the International Brigades consisting of 35 nationalities who were taken prisoner whilst fighting against foreign domination of Spain by the fascist powers. All but ten British subjects have either been exchanged or released, also the American + Scandinavian subjects have been released, but there are many comrades who come from fascist countries whose governments have taken away their citizenship or refused them re-entry into such countries as Germany, Italy, Poland, Austria + some of the Balkan countries. These comrades are liveing under very bad conditions, very poor food, + not enough to stave of hunger, this is causing skin diseases to break out on the body + legs + because of the lack of medical attention unnecessary suffering is being caused. Also oweing to shortage of washing facilities the men are overrun with vermin Not satisfied with seeing human beings