30 PAYMENTS Cash, clothing and other commodities sent to Spain ……………………… 26,305.61 Literature and Publicity …………… 3,754.78 Expense of Meetings ……………… 1646.57 Travelling and Organization Expenses (Speakers, Lectures etc) …………… 4,466.57 Expenses re film (Heart of Spain) … 937.26 Administration Expenses Salaries and clerical assistance 1,720.30 Telephone, Telegrams & Cables …. 1,235.85 Postage and Excise ………………. 473.14 Stationery, & office supplies …….. 464.07 Rent ………………………………. 492.00 Miscellaneous Expenses …………. 238.74 Honorariums ……………………… 125.00 4,749.10 41,859.89 Balance on hand September 30, 1937 made up as follows:- 1,589.26 Bank Balance and undeposited cash……. 1,454.26 Petty Cash Fund ………………………… 25.00 Advance to Mr. B. H. Spence for travelling expenses …………... 75.00 Deposit with Telegraph Companies .......... 35.00 1,589.26 COMMENTS RECEIPTS In accordance with the recommendations made in our report of July 7th, 1937 proper counterfoil, machine-numbered receipts were printed and are now used in the office. Included in the Receipts of September 1937 is the sum of $1,000.00 re- ceived from the Montreal Committee on October 4, 1937. PAYMENTS We found that many of the vouchers for payment were not approved by an officer of the Committee although we reported this condition on July 7th, 1937 and recommended that a Committee be set up to approve these vouchers no action has been taken to date. GENERAL In order to maintain a complete record of all receipts and payments throughout the Dominion we designed a special form on which every Unit and affiliated organization was to make a regular monthly report of all