I Clflgani \ ¢ 0 0 o 1: o a Q o 9' a a 0 .

E%Xlh£TSd .Ca$fi9ofOOd, clothing and other commodities " «

Sent t0 Spain onooooooooooaooucooooaoococnoaounev '26,ZO5061_ Literatufepand Publicifiy 0...§.}§..Q.Q;.oooa..ooao »Zp754Q78 Expense of‘Meetings. l l,6é6¢57


(Speakers, Lectures etce) .......go...a»o 4$466.57

»‘EXp@HS€S T3 film.(HBart Of Spain) ...;a..aeo§oao. . 957o26 tAdministration Expenses 0 csalaries end clerical assistance A l,720¢5O L . Telephone, Telegrams & Cables’.;.. l’2Z5c85‘ A .

POSfiagG 3nd.EXCiS@ goopohqooiooool 473¢14 / Stationery, & office/supplies‘.;;; 464:0? A Rent cocoononoooooooocooonooooooo _\492°OO

W Miscellaneous Expenses .........¢ 238.74 HbnOr&riumS Vaoooogadvodqoéooaoouj l25hO

« dfeard

d 4,7e9.;g


» 4l,859.89 Balamoe on hand September 30, 1957 $7 \ pmede'up as follows:* -I ll,589;26 Bank Balance and'undeposited cesh ........e. l,454»26 Petty CaSh Fund 'o¢o¢fid1no6oeaooooooooovocuo " l25n0O ,Advance toIMr; B. H. Spence for p 7‘ ~ p travelling expenses 9.;¢~,...»oa..o$ooa.. 75500 Deposit with Telegzaph Companies .......... V 55900 d 1,589.26



In accordence with the reoommendatiohs made in our report of July 7th, 1937 proper couhterfoil, mechine~nmmbered receipts were printed and are now ‘used in the office. A ’~ 0 0

Ihcluded in the Receipts of September 1937 is the emm of $1,000.00 re- ceived from.the Mhntreal Committee on October 4, 1957a 0

PAXMENTS We found thet many of thejvouchers for payment were not approved by an

officer of the Committee elthOu€h we reported this condition on July 7th, 1937 and recommended that.a Committee be set up to approve these vouchers

\no action has been taken to date.


. .,. ‘4 _

In order to maintain e complete record of all receipts and payments throughout the Dominionkwe.designed a special form on which every Unit and affiliated organization was to make a regular monthly report of all

a U 5‘