KARDASH for M Y W C How can the Mayor remain silent C and give no leadership when the jobs .. of Winnipeg workers and theawelfare of our citizens are at stake?’ ~.,,,,..;.;T“here,iare six candidates running M for Fnayoir. But only W. A. Kardash has come out with a program of jobs, lower taxes on homes, housing, T publicly-Owned gas utility, and other *' badly—needed civic improvements. W. A. Kardash, M.L.A. for Winni- peg North, says: ' O » ’’I propose the immediate calling of a Jobs Conference, including civic, provincial and federal authorities, to deal with growing unemployment in, Greater “Winnipeg.” ~ C ’’We need a change in the City w_ A. KARpA5Hs Council. Enough of this kow-towing E to Big Business and American mono- polies. Weneed to encourage industry in ourcity, using our natural resources to be processed right here instead of shipping them for a song to the US.” , ' ”We need to put more money into the pockets of our people through higher wages and steady employment.” O W _ ”The Mayor should be ashamed of the fact that our workers are among the lowest paid. in Canada.” ”Winnipeg needs a new deall” On October 27th mark your ballot: For MAYOR . Kardash, w_ A_ Fay./;I.,,DERMAN w.c_ "73 For SCHOOL TRUSTEE c_ I I C Support the Two Money By-Ialwsifor Recreation and Park Facilities.‘ lssuedby the WARD 3 LABOR ELECTION COMMITTEE 607 Main St. W C 19 Phone 92-8985