13 months in Fascist Prisons. Taken prisoner at Ijar, on March 12th 1938 we were marched for 20 hours without water at the side of 1500 prancing horses raising clouds of dust, adding to our misery thereby. Arriving at Pueblo De Ijar we were placed in the third floor of a building with many others with practically no sanitary conditions, and with very little food where we were held for 3 days while many discussions took place among the offic- ials as to whether we were to be shot or held for exchange. Finally we were loaded into trucks and taken to Camin- real[?], spending one night in an old factory. The following morning we were packed into box cars which had recently been used for transporting cattle evidenced by the fact of having about 4 inches of wet dung on the floor. We were destined to remain 3 days and nights