supporters to help us continue the work we have set ourselves as a task, a duty of solidarity. VVe pledged to our sister section in Spain, the continuation of support for as long’ as it was needed. To date we have sent over $20,000 worth of supplies— anti-toxins, serums, insulin, surgical instruments and one am- bulance. In the face of the great need, even these contributions seem woefully inadequate. We want to send X-ray plates. We want to send anaesthesia. VVe want to send enough of these ma- terials to ease the suffering of every wounded fighter. An American Institute of Child Care is being established in Madrid. Its aim is to provide for 50,000 children. These little ones are growing up in the smoke and horror of war. They are growing old before their time. The whine of a shell sends them scurrying like frightened little birds, their eyes roaming the clouds——for shelter—-as their comrades in the militia taught them to do. But when they come out, back into the sunshine, they raise their little fists in the salute of the democratic gov- ernment of Spain. They have a right to happiness and health. They have a right to the joy that is the heritage of childhood. You can help give it to them. You can help keep them alive to inherit the land their mothers and fathers will surely wrest from the bloody grasp of fascism. Hear their cry and help us still it. Give—give——as much as you can—for medical aid, health, life, to the defenders of de- mocracy in Spain. Send to INTERNATIONAL LABOR DEFENSE, 80 E. 11 St., N.Y.C. I contribute $ ............................ .. for medical aid to the defenders of democracy in Spain. Name Address City. ................................. .. 31