spoken» of so many centuries ago—,——“Greater love hath no man than this that he should lay down his life for his friend.” And that “friend” was not only the ‘Spanish worker groaning under the cruel heel and iron fist of monopoly capitalism and religious bigotry, b.ut the workers of the world suffering under these same masters in other countries, in your country and in mine. i Unknown Soldiers of Democracy r And here theylie, quietly and still. And see what is written above their heads: “Volunteers of the International Brigade”-——-“Who died as heroes for the liberty of the Spanish people and the happiness and progress of humanity”. Above each grave is Written his name, his nationality and the date of his death. t
Madrid l PeaceFlull,i/\mid War
——Dr. Norman Bethune, it January 2nd, 1937
Europe, ~ .
It is a city at equilibrium within itself, a city without the intense class antagonisms and discords that are called disorder in any other city. This is due to its homogeneous society——the Workers, the small shop-keepers and the petit-bourgeois all molded into one class
with one ,idea—.——Winning the war against the Fascist aggressor; So, as in a family or clan inwhich there is internal peace although the family or clan may be fighting against its external enemies. No
MADRID is, paradoxically enough, the most peaceful city in
police are needed to maintain the law." Every member, every citizen, '
is underathe strict necessity of order——-self-imposed and conscious. . Property Is Protected by I p Private property is respected.—-—confiscated property belonging to the people at large, is equally respected. On large magnificent man- sions, which once belonged to the late so—called nobility, one maysee signs such as these: “Citizens, this property belongs to you, respect it”- Note the Wording of the sign—-not “belongs to the St,ate”——-the State as an institution superior to and above the people, but——“.belongs t0 Y011”--be10118'S to me. So, if you or I damage it, we are damaging our own property. . There is absolutely no looting. " This is clear from one manifest fact—-—the things which are looted in a War are first of all articles of necessitysuch as clothing and food. Later come the luxuries—- jewels, fur coats, etc.’ Now the people of Madrid are Wearing the same clothes as they Wore before the rebellion in spite of the large quantities of fine clothes left by fleeing Fascists and members of the so-called upper classes. a V 1 ' Buying of necessities and clothing is brisk in the shops." I was 1n.a large departmental store today and saw a Woman of the so-called middle classes buy a tricycle for her boy of 10 and a large dollfor her daughter of 5. a v I Aerial Bombardment . l V . We were heavily bombed tfromthe air today about 12 noon. Twelve huge Italian tri-motored bombers came over, the city and bombed not positions of military importance, but a poor quarter of