
These extractspfrom the booklet written by Lieut. William c

Kardash give the reader a short but profound insight into the character and calibre of true anti-fascists. They were not men seeking fortune’ or fame. They desired one thing——to maintain the democratic way of living, to broaden and extend it. c y s

For this ideal they left for Spain-—-to help ‘save the newly won Spanish democracy ; to make Spain the tomb of world

fascism. Their hopes were thwarted by men who do not cherish, A

never did and never will, the democratic aspirations of‘ the people. Their financial interests cannot permit them‘, to do otherwise. . '

These “Nazis of the soul,” ready to institute dictatorial forms

' of government at any time in order to prolong their decadent

class rule, followed the line of least resistance‘ to fascism at

home and abroad. It was their farcical policy of non-interven- l

tion that placed the noose around the neck of the Spanish people. I

The Spanish people lost their freedom temporarily-. The.

Spanish people, however, were right. They" had warned the world

i that bombs would fall on Paris and London should fascism

ever be allowed to take Madrid. We have the appeasers to thank for what followed. . ,

Thesé excerpts which you are about to enjoy, I am sure, will make unpleasant reading for the reactionary and professional patriots. These gentry have too much to account for. Their actions in the period of history about which Kardash writes are a page which they would like others to forget.

Little wonder it is, that today, when Kardash as a Workers’

candidate for provincial office raises the‘ vital question of eco- IIOIIIIC security and democratic freedom in his native land, Can-

‘ada, their howls and invective have a note of personal .fear——

fear that their hollow promises of the past will be exploded, that their record will be compared with his—and found wanting.

T But the vast majority of the Canadian people—-the worker and farmer, storekeeper and professional, housewife and student, employed and unemployed—-want security, freedom and happi- ness. For these, your needs, Kardash will fight.

It is due to the numerous requests of Winnipeg citizens who did not have the opportunity to obtain Kardash’s booklet, “I Fought «For Canada In.Spain,” that the Workers’ Election Com- mittee has undertaken to print this abridged edition. '

Init you will read the story of a brave people and especially of those Canadian boys, who volunteered to stem the tide of N aziism and Fascism. Among them was Bill Kardash. Let us hope that Canada will continue to produce such men. ~