out permission” under penality of six months to two years in jail. But here comes the riot! When asked by the police on which frontier we chose to be expelled we replied, “Span- ish frontier.” What’s more, the local prefect is seriously considering the question and our lawyer is convinced that there is a good chance we may get away with it. Obviously it's absurd and impossible, but isn't it screamingly funny that the government oflicials should even seriously con- sider it? I
One way or the other, however, we will make it. At the present moment. I have 4,500 francs in my pocket and sole responsibility for our whole gang.
Thanks a million for your letters. You have never been so swell about writing and your swellness was never so appreciated. I can’t tell you what this means to me.
All the outside comrades and committees (Party, popular front, Socialist, Anarchist, etc.), are immensely pleased with the work of our group in jail and they are holding it up to all other jailed groups as a model for them to follow. When the Anarchist secretary went out of his way today to praise our discipline, etc., that sort of puts the finishing touches on the general approval. The group voluntarily, spontane- ously and unanimously today gave Steve and myself a real rousing vote of thanks and confidence. Also our proceed-
ings in court—making it a clear political case—is to be used
as a model on which all other groups are to base their defense. y
We are the first American volunteers who are legallyin Perpignan—the whole town knows it and is on the streets. But the authorities can’t hinder us here in any way for the next eight days. The next job, of course, is to give them the slip.
I hope, darling, that I haven't given you the impression of over-much boasting about the work of our group. I