The Resolution

This is the resolution:

“On behalf of 39 labor and Communist internees the majority of whom are Canadian-born and Canadian—n.aturalized citizens, Whilst 24 are ukrain-ians Whose homeland has now been invaded by (lerman, armies, and all ofvvhom have been interned in this Camp together with German Nazis and Italian fascists, We ‘request that the Minister of Justice order our immediate release because:

1) The accusations made llthat our opinions inregard to the Soviet Union make us allies of the Nazis and disloyal to Canada are proven by events to be unfoundedand unjustified; and

2) As a small minority in a Camp of close to 806, our personal safety has been seriously endaingered by being held here and there is no practical way by which the Camp Commandant can pro- vide adequate protection so long as we continue to be held here a single day further.” I


,At the very moment this lettterivvas dispatched and at a time when Hitler has hurled his legions against the Soviet Union in order to enslave countless millions of people THE FRANCES- CHINI BROTHERS, millionaire Italian fascists, and personal pals of Hitler and Mussolini were released from internment by o-,‘rder of the Minister of Justice.

This foul act is another affront to the democratic Canadian people. The Canadian people must redouble their effortsto secure the IMMEDIATE release of the anti-fascists, by flooding Ottawa with letters, telegrams, resolutions.