"Spain is merely an episode in what is being prepared and a foretaste of what threatens the world in the future. But Spain can cease to be an episode and can be made a definite barrier which will stop this criminal aggression. The life of every Spanish democrat is subordinated to this goal. There is not a single Spaniard who will not proudly offer his very life for the peace of Europe, of the whole world. "Happen what may and however difficult our situation may become, we are determined to fight on. Our responsi- bility obliges us to do so and we are encouraged in our struggle by the people of Britain to whom we express our deepest gratitude." APPEAL OF THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT On the 5th April, 1938, the Spanish Government made a solemn appeal to the Governments of Britain and France to restore to it the right to obtain the war material necessary to enable it to repel the invaders. The appeal unhappily was in vain. A further appeal was made to the League of Nations at the May meeting of the Council. Again in vain. Senor Negrin's government has made abundantly clear its adherence to national independence, democratic govern- ment, religious liberty and tolerance, in a statement pub- lished on the 30th April, 1938. We fitly include this epic declaration in our Manifesto. WAR AIMS OF THE SPANISH REPUBLIC The Government of National Union, which enjoys the confidence of the parties and Trade Union organizations in loyal Spain, and which represents all those Spanish citizens who conform to constitutional legality, hereby solemnly de- clares its war aims to its fellow-countrymen and to the world. FIRST: To ensure the absolute independence and com- plete integrity of Spain; a Spain entirely free from all foreign interference, whatever its character and origin, with her peninsular and insular territory and her possessions untouched and safe from any attempt at dismemberment, seizure or alienation; and with her protectorate zone, as- signed by international agreements, retained, unless such agreements should be modiļ¬ed on Spain's own intervention and with her assent. Fully conscious of her historical obli- gations, Spain will draw more closely together the links forged by a common origin and a sense of universality---a 5