struck by the cowardice of the whole thing. This wanton murder of innocent people in their sleep made my blood boi-1. The next evening I attended a public meeting. Senor Jesus Hernandez, the Minister of Education, was the chief speaker. Dolores Ibarruri, a Deputy to the Cortez, better known as “Passionaria” acted as the chairman. I learned that Largo Caballero had resigned and that a new government had been formed, headed by Dr. Juan Negrin. S This seemed to in’ dicate the demands of the people for the elimination of all weaknesses and the adoption of a more vigorous war policy were being implemented.

It was here also, that I learned of the attempted uprising in Barcelona, twenty days before, organized by the Trotskyites and some uncontrollable elements. The new government later initiated a campaign to clear out the fascist spies in the rear. Police investigations discovered the direct connections between the Spanish Trotskyites with Franco, and as a result of this, the Trotskyite POUM was declared illegal and its leaders arrested. Thus a serious blow was delivered to the fascists.

That night, at midnight, the eight of us left by train for the Tank Base. It was a fourteen hours’ ride. The train was overcrowded and we used our suitcases for seats. Women with children in their arms crowded together to make room for one of us on the bench. Seeing that we were “extranjeros” (for! eigners) they expressed satisfaction and shook our hands. We gathered that their husbands were at the front. S

Our Tank Base was behind Madrid. We were quartered in abuilding which had formerly belonged to a Spanish land~ lord. The land and the buildings on it were now the property of a number of peasants who worked the land on a collective basis. The long, two/storey building which we occupied was placed at our disposal by the peasants, free of charge. Four families lived in other houses; others, who worked on the land, lived in a village almost two miles away.

Wheat, grapes, olives, peas and potatoes were the crops produced on this farm. About one hundred acres were under cultivation. This is considered a largersized farm in Spain. In former years, the peasants led a very poor life. Thousands had