
In.Madrid I see people still living in districts bombed again and again. I am impressed by the demonstration of comradeship and trust exhibited by every one. is the Government troops advance they strengthen their supports and are better prcparccl to defend Madrid than before.

I have seen the making and preparing of armoured cars. I have seen and talked with the Railway men who are operating the armoured trains. I have also seen the Educational work which is being carried on in the training schools of the various battalions. This last year hundreds of young men have learned to read and write in the army and are preparing for a noblcr citizenship when the war is over.

.As I leave the Railway men in their armoured train they shout 'Salud.Long Live the Spanish Republic." This spirit can never be broken. I am confident they will Wino '


The so~callod "Bulletin of State" published in Ergos, on September 5th contained a decrcee by which the following national and elementary schools were to be closed October lst.~<Astorga, La Toja, La Estrada etc., etc., 31 in all.

In the preamble of the decreeo it is stated the war is costing a lot of money and as cxpensed must be reduced it was thought advisable to enforce these cuts in the

_ Department of Education.

Almost on the same day there appeared in the "Gaceta de la Ropublica" la decree calling for the establishment in Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid of sixv monthby courses of intensive preparation in subjects of general education.

In.the midst of’a civil and international struggle, in a time when it is defending its territory inch by inch against internal traitors and foreign invaders, the Republic does not for a moment neglect educational problems. Schools are run “or the soldiers on.all the fronts. The moment a new village is captured, teachers are sent and school buildings are restored. Not one single educational establish- ment has been closed. On the contrary many new ones have been opened. For the lepublic knows that battles are won not only by forces of arms, but equally by awakening ideas and sewing knowledge in the brains of the young and illiterate.

On the 12th of October last year, known as the "Festival of the Race" General Millan.Astray stood on the steps of the‘University of Salamanca and cried "Down with intelligence!" ,Yes. The Fascists hate intellect. They hate books and science: They hate the Universities and the kindergartons. They suppress schools, but the number of gaming houses and taverns is greater than ever:

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Major and.Mrs. Lord are new completing their tour of Qanadai Coming East from.Vancouvor, Edmonton and Calgary they held meetings at Fort William, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie arriving in Toronto in time for the meeting in Western Ontario. On Sunday November 21st they spoke in the City Hall in Kitchener ac~ , companied by the Chairman Rev. B¢H. Spence and Rev. W.B. Smith.i On.Mbnday they were. with Mr. J . M. Connor in Galt, on Tuesday in Guelph. On Wednesday they joined. Rev.’ Mr. Smith in London and with him.hcld a meeting in.the Technical & Commercial Collegiate. The following day'Mr. Smith took them to Stratford and on Friday to Windsor, motoring home on Saturday for two meetings in Toronto November 28th. One hold in the Davenport United Church and the other in Kingston Rds'United=Church.


At the same time the film.was being used to good advantage, being shown in Brantford Sunday November 21st, Tillsonburg the 22nd, Delhi the 23rd, Simcoo the 24th, Ingersoll the 25th and‘Wocdstock the 26th.

Mr. Smith reports a most enthusiastic meeting at Delhi. The Grotto Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity and the people, especially our friends from Europe, were most enthusiastic. Cash subscriptions aounted to over $60.00 which when added to premises reached a total of nearly $100.00

In‘Windsor we have a most faithful and energetic Committee. inlthough the ‘meeting was not adequately advertised owing to some delay in receiving the bills, the Patterson Collegiate was fairly well filled and over $100.00 contributed.

§$ECUTIVE:MEEmINGS Two meetings of the Executive have been.held since the Conference. One on

November 10th and another November 25th. The minutes of the former have been sent to the various organizations.