necessity of the Committee working through the agencies in Eerie eetabliehed
for the yurpose of co~ordinating and helping the work throoghout the world. The Chairman then called.upon.Mr. A. A. Mecheod who presented a verbal report of his visit to Spain. In this verbal statement Mrg MecLeod eug~ gested the setting'hp ofia Children's Bureau and a Medical Bureau as pert of the Committee to Aid Spahish Democracy.» I i It was_mcvec hw'Mr. Sam Carr secondedhy\Normen hreed.thatreport of theCheirman be adopted as read, with the proviso that if any delegate. A
wanted to refer ho it during discussion that it will be permiseable.
Itwas moved hyimre Jemesim. Conner eecohcedhyimrg O. Mhrgan — That
a Committee composed of T. Buck; B.H¢Spence, and A4 AJ MecLecd be appointed
to draft a strong resolution of protest against the action of General Franco
‘ sinking 12 refugee hoete of refhgees leaving Gijch. CARRIED.
The Conference then adjourned for iunch.