with clofihes, of which they are badly in neeé, with hospitalization, as many

ef them are seriously wounéeé anfi some crippled for life. They are all comw ing back, some without a limb, like myself; others without an eye, still others on stretchers. fhnxxkaxxxfimxazthztxxyaxtxxxix

They have done their part. I ask you, friends, to show your appreéia~

tion to them inla practical way. fiaka a sacrifice to enable them to get

into the normal conditiéns of life, these who are able to. They offeréd

their 1ives_f0r us, offer your homes to them in return. A bread citizens

cemmittee has been arganfzed in Calgary for thislgnrpose.M Send your con~

tributions, c1<>’sh.ing,anc1 what youcam effer.5{ /p""“’w/ ?0‘f W / They defendaa peace and democracy. Your aid will be an assurance

that the cause they feught for shall be Victorians. THANK YOU.