Dr. Bethune, chief of the sanitary expedition tionate admiration, in the memo- ries of all the honourable cons- ciences in the world. It is not a question of some combatants: it is a question of three personalities of the highest moral calibre, who possess above everything else a deep and austere feeling of sacri- fice for their kind. The descrip- tions which are published in this pamphlet are from the honoured pen of the eminent Dr. Norman Bethune, on the subject of te- rrible march undertaken by the Spaniards of the city of Malaga, the frightened exodus of a whole town, who preferred death a thou- sand times rather than submit to the criminal tyranny of fascism. Dr. Bethune, with his just and impartial words, will denounce be- fore the world the crime committed —one more and one of the most monstrous— against the Spanish people by the foreign hordes which are fighting to subjugate them un- der thee black tyranny of fascist barbarism. ALARDO PRATS Dialogue in the streets of Almeria