Dr. Bethune, chief of the sanitary expedition

Dialogue in the streets of Almeria

limzulu: udmira/ion, in the memo- ries of all [she llmmuruble Cons- ciences in [he “world. 1/ is /110/ a queslion of some comlrulunls: fl is at queslimz of lrlzrree frersonallies of [he highesl moral calibre, who possess above e"u.ery1lzing else a deep and austere _‘/eeling 0/ sacri- fice for [heir kind. The descrip-

/iorns which are published in Ilzis

fmmjahlel are _/'r0m llze l1/(nmurerl.

fine): of [he eminent Dr. Norman Be/lzune, on /he sul1je(" of /he ls’- rrilzle murvlr rrnrlerlalwn by Ilre .S'/mniunls of /he vi/_v of .\lu-lam. /he _lrl.<{l1l<'m'(l ¢-xmlus of u wlmlv lmun, wlm /Jreferrvd (l-Hull) u [lum- sund limes rallrer llzan sulmzll In /he ¢'rim1'nul /_vrann_v uf _la.\‘('isn1. l)r.'I)’e//rune, willlrl his just and im/>urliul 7vura's, will (lvnnzulvv be- fnrv llw world [he vrime conzrmilled ——m1v more and one of llzvc mos.’ mr)n,slr0us— ag'air1sI ll:-9 .5‘/5LIIIlSlZr people by lhc foreign hordes ‘ZUlLlt‘l1 are figlzyllzzg‘ /0 snlrju/gale Ilzrem. un- der llz,e lrlaclz lyranlzy of _/‘ascist


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