
Onl presentation of this card a reduction of 50 °/0 will be allowed on the price of admis- sion to the exhibition for 10 separate visits.

Apart from this reduction, the holder of this card may take advantage of many other exceptional concessions. He may, for instance, obtain special reductions in hotels of all classes, and special faci- lities for visiting places of entertainment, museums, and national buildings of interest, etc. He may also take advantage of the various reductions in fares which may be granted by the air service and steamship companies, and by the railways of many foreign countries, in connection with the Exhibition. Details of these concessions may be obtained from the Commissariat General of the Exhibition, Travel Agencies, and official organizations abroad.

The " Carte de légitimation " can only be used by the person whose name it bears to obtain the concessions to which he is entitled as holder. He must comply with the laws and regulations gover- ning the cntry of visitors from abroad into France and their stay in the country.

The possession of this card does not, under any circumstances, entitle foreign nationals to set up in business or to work in France, nor in consequence, to seek to obtain the issue of a worker's identity card.

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