2 liveing under such miserable conditions those fascist morans go farther + with loaded riding crops or rifle buts they beat these comrades until they are black + blue + bleeding in one case that I know of one comrade was beaten because he was snoring There are many other way's they have of tortureing prisoner's such as taking them outside at night in the middle of the winter with very little clotheing on + making them stand at attention for eight hours or until men fall exhausted with the cold, or making them stand with arm outstretched in the fascist salute for four hours. If such treatment can be given to those of us to come from democratic countries where organization + mass protest can + was organized for our release then try to imagine what the conditions are like for those who have no country to go to Greater publicity than ever must be given to the condition these comrade's are liveing under The fascist power's must be forced to release these prisoner's + homes must be found for them in democratic countries.