15. Sunday May 8th, 2.50 P.M. The Conference of the Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy was opened in the Yellow Room, King Edward Hotel, Sunday May 8th at 2.50 P. M. Ben. H. Spence occupied the Chair. James M. Conner acted as Secretary. The order of Business was read from the Minutes of the enlarged Executive meeting held the previous day and was as a follows:- 1. Recommendations for National Work. 2. Report of Chairman and Executive. 3. Report of Committees and a resolution on each of the projects such as Children’s Homes, Food, Medical Aid, Political Action and Propaganda. 4. The election of an executive. It was moved by Wm. Temple, seconded by Norman Freed “That the Agenda be adopted as the Agenda for the Conference.” CARRIED. The Honourary Chairman, Rev. Dr. Salem G. Bland addressed the Conference and welcomed the delegates. The Chairman, Rev. Ben. E. Spence presented his report. (See minutes of Saturday, May 7th) Harvey Murphy moved, seconded by Norman Freed that the report be accepted as read.” It was moved by Norman Freed, seconded by A. A. MacLeod “That the matter of setting up of Auxiliary Committees, as referred to the Chairman’s Report, should be referred to the incoming Executive.” CARRIED. The following organizations and delegates were in attendance at the Conference:- Organization Bricklayers Union #42 Milk Drivers Union, Local 357, Hamilton Painters Decorators & Paperhangers of America, Local 864 Spanish Cigarmakers I. L. P. Galt C.C.F. Club Humbercrest C. C. F. Club Youth Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy North Spadina C.C.F Club Hamilton Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy Montreal Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy National Committee Canadian League for Peace and Democracy Canadian League for Peace and Democracy East York Branch Communist Party, Ward Seven City Committee Communist Party of Canada Communist Party of Canada Young Communist League, National Committee DELEGATES W. Wilkinson J. Lyndrey John Doyle, William Armit Thos. Burgess, G. Barlow Edwin Derkison Mr. Poddubney F. Ortiz James M. Conner Ernest Reeve W. H. Temple Paul Siren Merwin Marks Mrs. Freda Southgate Esther M. Walker Hazen Sise Sam Lawrence, A. A. Macleod Malcolm Ross, David Goldstick Mrs. H. Haines, Elizabeth Morton Mr. Dekker Leith McMurray, Norman Freed Sam Carr, Tim Buck Stanley Buchanan