Postscript C i i
The valiant Spanish people suffered defeat, thanks to Chamberlain-Blum’s infamous “N on-intervent1on”
policy without and military betrayal within. But their g
fight for democracy has not been in vain. The Spanish people aroused the conscience of the people of the world to the real danger of the growth of fascism within their own borders. And as long as this vigi-
lance is not dulled but sharpened, their sacrifices will not have been for naught !-
This is the message I conveyed to the people of our country upon my return from Spain. Touring
the major cities and towns of Canada from Toronto
to ‘Victoria I found the Canadian people aroused to
the danger of fascism to their democracy. University
students, women socities, church organizations, trade’s councils and trade unions, professional people, workers and farmers——-all showed keen interest and deep con- cern over the suffering of the Spanish people and those volunteers of the famous International Brigades as evidenced by their contribution of thousands of dol- lars to the repatriation fund for the returned boys of the Canadian Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion.
. At thetime when we Wereforced to steal out of our native land to give ‘our lives for democracy the Canadian powers-that-be encouraged Franco, Hitler
and Mussolini to enslavethe Spanish people by permit- ting materials and ‘capital to flow unhampered to s
Franco, while obstructing in every way possible the assistance of the Canadian people to the Spanish Re- publican Government. Today it is universally recog-
nized that had the Spanish people won,the picture of ,
the world now would have been entirely different: fas-
cism wouldhave been dealt a fatal blow on Spanish
soil. . ,. This admission, though belated, is, nevertheless, gratifying to us ‘Canadians who fought inSpain, to know that we were correct in so doing. I proudly stand on my record of service to democracy. I will fearlessly carry on the battle for people’s democracy
here in Canada. S - 15