The British Commonwealth of Nations acts to pre- vent further aid to Franco by Hitler and Mussolini. This way lies our duty as democratic Canadians. The glorious battle-cry of the democratic republic of Spain is: “THEY SHALL NOT PASS!” LET us take up that cry here! Let each progressive group of people, not matter what their creed or political opinion, come together in the week of May 30th to June 9th to jointly carry through a coast-to-coast “Spanish Aid Week”. Aided by our energetic work in Canada and by that of millions of anti-fascists in each country, the boundless heroism of the Spanish people will drive Franco and criminal allies into the sea! Canadian democracy, world democracy, will have won an his- toric victory. World fascism, the instigator of war, will have suffered a body blow! ALL TOGETHER TO AID OUR SPANISH BROTHERS AND SISTERS! Dominion Executive Committee, COMMUNIST PARTY OF CANADA. Tim Buck General Secretary. HERE IS MY DONATION TO THE Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion’s Ambulance To be sent to the: Ambulance Fund, Central Committee of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CANADA. 8 Wellington St. E. TORONTO, ONT