program. In Alberta, where this party is in power, it sold out the 5‘ ich oil and gas fields of that province to American interests.

The Labor-Progressive Party offers the only true alternative to the

present course of ruin, and disaster by the parties of monopoly capital. Ours is an alternative policy for peace, for unhindered trade, economic security and democratic progress, based on the independence of our

country and people.

Our party believes that out of the struggles of the people for peace, economic progress and~democracy, through labor-farmer unity in action, there will come that new political alignment——that coalition of popular

forces, which can put Manitoba on the road to a prosperous and happy i

future. . i

We welcome the growing signs of resistance to U.S. domination today. Our party considers it the highest patriotic duty to help organize and give expression to this ground-swell of resistance: for an end to foreign domination; for a way out of the growing crisis in our national life.

visioN i-"on MANITOBANS

The Labor-Progressive Party, as the Party of Socialism in Canada, has no interests other than those of the working class, the people and the nation. Our party regards the struggle for the immediate interests of thepeople, around the issues of the day as consistent With the aspira-

. tions for, andthe democratic achievement of Socialism.

We .reject the picture of a Manitoba in perpetual crisis. There is no future for our province in the prospect of war, nor in war itself. We believe in peace as the strongestguarantee of our future happiness and prosperity, and in the new horizons which peace offers for the future of our people and province! T

The Labor-Progressive Party calls upon the workers, farmers, and all citizens of Manitoba to rally in the struggle for the following pro- gram of immediate needs: to unite the ranks of farm and city in the effort to make Manitoba great and pro.sperous—-a keystone province in a Canada independent and at peace! \


0 Fight in the legislature for action to fulfill the desire of the W

overwhelming majority of the Manitoba people for an immediate cease-fire in /Korea,’ for friendship and unhindered trade among all nations of the world and for a lasting peace. i


O Industrialize Manitoba for an all-sided development V_ of our economy. a 0 Develop smelting and petro-chemical industries to

rich deposits of ore and oil resources in the province. Develop manufacturing industries in the Greater Winnipeg area.

Use our raw materials to develop Manitoba for her people. Use our raw materials to develop Mantoba for her people.

Build additional power sites on the Nelson and Churchill. rivers as part of a comprehensive plan of electrical energy output under public ownership to ‘provide a power base for new industries and for the electrification of farm homes and farming operations.

_o_ _Publicly-owned pipe lines to bring natural gas to Manitoba for industrial and domestic use.


O A democratic labor code to guarantee the workers’ rights to belong to a union of their own choice; to provide for the 8-hour day and

process the


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