Spain from attaining a higher standard of living who began this struggle, which has been converted into a war of invasion. "Spain was a country where only misery thrived. Our soldiers have suffered the terrible conditions that were pre- valent, and, for the majority of them, facing death at the front is far less a martyrdom than was their former way of living. It was harder to obtain work in order to live than to capture positions in battle. The only crime of the Re- public was that it wanted Spain to cease being a feudal state and to attain the standards of justice which other peoples enjoy. "The people of Britain achieved this centuries ago and so did the French by their revolution. But even in order to attain such a noble end, we did not resort to violence. It was our enemies who resorted to violence. Unable to defeat us, they had to have recourse to other nations and preferred to sell their country rather than tolerate its improvement. "There is only one crime, if any, of which the Spanish people may be accused---that of having waited so many centuries to put an end to their wretched condition. The people of England did not wait so long and for that reason they are today in the vanguard of civilization. Faithful to their traditions, the British people understand us, encour- age us and, as far as possible, support us. And this en- couragement is proof of the fact that we are fighting for justice, that we are sacrificing ourselves for the triumph of democracy and that we are serving a desire for freedom. Our respect for these ideals is shared not only by the British people but by the people of the whole world.... "We are now undergoing a very grave stage in the fight for our country. Italy and Germany are attempting to defeat us in a decisive manner and have launched an un- masked attack in the hope of crushing us. They are not a only attacking us with troops disguised as volunteers, but also with tremendous quantities of war materials, thus in- creasing a hundredfold the damage and injury to our independence. "In the international robbery organized by Fascism, it is now Spain's turn to be the booty. The Fascists are attack- ing Spain with the same greed with which they attacked Ethiopia and later Austria. With equal savagery, they will tomorrow attack other weak countries in the hope that the turn of the more powerful countries will come. 4