Comrade Copeman assisted him over the rough country, across hill and dale, through olive groves and through vineyards for three kilometres to get to the road. About 8,30 that evening we got a report that our Commander had three wounds, two in his left arm and one in his side and that he was doing as well as could be expected. The news cheered us because we had to tell all the comrades in the Battalion how “Jock” as he was called, was getting on. He had a great way with the Battalion and was sadly missed. Comrade Wattis Scores (As told by D. R. Davies) The Fascists had got a section of the trenches on our left. We at once started to dig a trench, parallel to the sector held by Fa- scists. I kept guard at the tree towards which the trench was being dug. At intervals we were sprayed by machine gun fire, and the men had to lie down in the shallow holes they had dug. Since it was an intensely dark night, we could not be seen, and luckily the fire all missed its mark, and none of us were hurt. At daybreak the trench was more or less completed and a heavy barrage of rifle fire broke out. The machine gun which we had brought up previously, after firing a few rounds, jammed, and we were compelled to rely solely on our rifles as the distance was too far for bomb throwing. Comrade Wattis had taken command and proceeded to a position outside our trench, in no man’s land, where a small earthwork provided cover. This was the spot where Comrade Cunningham was wounded the night before. This position we improved by a little digging, and Comrade Wattis commenced to snipe from there with one other comrade. I reconnoitred for a while. In the interval, a comrade had been killed at the side of Comrade Wattis, at the sniper’s post, and Comrade Wattis had a bullet right through his beret, which cut off a lock of his hair. By this time, all the English had gone away, except we three, and Graham then returned to Company Headquarters. Comrade Wattis requested Shammah and myself to man the sniping position, where one man had already been killed and two wounded. Comrade Wattis displayed extreme bravery by staying in this position. 93