.SPAIN has kept the greater part of her artistic treasures intact, no/twith~ standing it having been repeatedly said that they had been destroyed by

P the Revolution. Small information has been given with regard to what the

Government of the Republic and the Autonomic Governmentsof Catalonia

T and the Basque Regions, as well as the people themselves, the very people of up theRevolutionary Sections have done to protect their National Monuments A and artistic treasures. T l R P i

P The Spanish Republic hadfwarmly initiated a crusade in behalfiof Culture and-in this reforming policy, the defense of her artistic patrimony and its

. appraisement, herarchaeological excavations, the restoration of her historical monuments and thecreating and conditioning of her Museums were placed T

4 foremost.

It is true that during the first days of the military rebelion, as well‘ as du~

ring the Civil\X/ar, some of the monuments havesuffered or have been irre~ .

trievably destroyed. But Who is to blame? It was certainly not the Common

People, not even the most advanced parties who ordered the burning and des~

troying of them. Their Militants often prevented the fires from consuming the artistic wealth at the risk of their lives. Itis those who, “on iIu1y 19th., took

P shelter in thechurches and historical monuments, turning theminto trenched reducts against the people and who, with extraordinary tenacity, bdmbed the National Picture Gallery, (El Prado) andother monuments in Madrid, are to

blame.’ T

In the very midst of our terriblel tragedy, during the most‘ painful " days of a

passion,’ all kinds of efforts have beenimade and have succeededin saving our Treasures of Art while the Governments and the people endeavour to maintain V

an uninterrupted life of spirit. a It is to be hoped that one day, Spain, our country of innumerable heroic

T and liberal people will beable to live a new era of peace and work, when she will proudlyprove to the‘ whole world, that with all her misfortunes she has P

" not forgotten what constitutes a. precious deposit of Civilisation and Humanity. P

Rector of the Barcelona~ University, Directorfof the Excavation and Archaeology Section‘ in the Service of the Patrimonyu of

. Art, History and Science of the Generalitat of Catalonia.