I , 5,: / , \ F BENJAMIN GOLDRING 592 16TH STREET BROOKLYN 18. N. Y. ' Hncmm 9-0591

Mr. Lee Burke 405 - 1071 Eglington Ave. W. Toronto, Untario M60 2E1 Canada

27 Oct. 1984

Dear Lee:

Finally, I wrote an article on Tom Danek, a copy of which is enclosed, I will send it to the Brandeis University Library collection on the Spanish Civil War. Also, I will send it to The Volunteer, where it may A or may not be printed. If you care to suggest anyone else to whom I may send it, please let me know.

I went out of control when I first got the news from you. I apologize for seeing red like a bull then. And I appreciate your fine letters.

Salud y bon suerte,


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