35 “1. That the status of the National Committee be definitely and clearly defined as that of a co-ordinating Committee composed of represen- tatives of the National Organizations and members representative of other organizations sympathetic of the giving of aid to Spanish Republic and that its main function be the co-ordinating of their activities. Carried. “2. That the Committee be the body which deals with the Internationale Coordinating Committee, The Centrale Sanitaire, The Children’s Commission and similar bodies with in or outside of Republican Spain, in connection with projects sponsored by it. That money collected for activities initiated and sponsored by the Committee be paid to the Committee and disbursed as Committee funds. Carried. “3. That subject to the foregoing participation organizations may carry on their own campaigns for projects sponsored by the Committee. That remittances of proceeds and accounts in connection with such campaigns may be between the National and Local bodies of the organ- izetion concerned. In such cases receipts for money remitted to the Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy as a result of such campaigns be to the National office making the remittance. Carried. “4. That the local work be carried on by the local bodies of the part -icipating organizations. That where local Committees exist they shall become Coordinating Committees. That wherever a group of people who are not connected with, or prepared to join with any of the organizations already participating are prepared to help in our work they shall be encouraged to form a local group or committee. Such groups or Committees may be directly connected with the National Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy and may remit their funds direct to it and have representation on the local co-ordinat- ing Committee as other organizations. Carried.” The memorandum was taken up clause by clause and various amendments made. It was moved by Mr. Tim Buck seconded by Mr. Sam Carr that the report as amended by adopted. It was as follows,- “1. That the states of the National Committee be definitely and clearly defined as that of co-ordinating Committee composed of represent- atives of National Organizations and members representative of other organizations sympathetic with the giving of aid to the Spanish Republic and that its functions be the co-ordinating of their activities. “2. That the Committee be the body which deals with the International Co-ordinating Committee, the Centrale Sanitaire, the Childrens’ Commission and similar bodies within or outside of Republican