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(Dec. 15.1930)‘: ‘- A

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I n The Leader-Post A Regina, Saskatchewan Wednesday, October 31, 1984


* “Recalling the Spanish Civil War,” in

V your issue of Oct. 13. requires comment. Frank Hadesbeck who “wasn’t injured” y

although “surrounded by death for 18 months" is quoted from his diary gasmsav '

“that 10 per centwere honest revo u1on-

aries. while 30 per cent were fools. and 60

per cent were opportunistsfi‘ Such opinion of

the volunteers of the Mackenzie-Papineau

Battalion. who were; the t‘ir;st Canadians to

fight fascism, should not go ‘uncorrected. One might readily ask: How did he arrive

at the percentages? Did he interview all the .

1.259 volunteers from Canada to get that re- sult? Some Canadians were killed in action before Frank Hadesbeck arrived in Spain.

How could he classifythem‘? ~

He does say that the fight in Spain" was

against “international fascism” which i

helped “to weaken the fascist forcescsome-

where else.” Also. had the Allies joined in,

Hitler might have been stopped. Some of the other remarks from the diary

H containsas much credibility aschis percent-

age classification of the volunteers. That classification. is an insult not only to Cana- dian volunteers but to all International Bri- gades and all the heroic Spanish people who

« fought against fascism, over a million of

whom laid down their lives in‘ the battle. V .gii'x=-?i3ohn Campbell, mg parliamentary sec-" retary to the minister of veterans affairs at

Ottawa. stated in the a House , of Commons

nish Civil Warveteran reacts


s a par icipant in s at an 1- S

assessment of these Canadians who volun-

your readers deserve a more balanced t

teered to fight fascism in Spain, seeking nei- H

« ther glory. or fame, nor financial reward

while‘ risking their lives to help save democ- racy in Spain and-stopping fascism fromyen- gulfing the world. is o g r s i i w. A.KAnDAsH Kardash was a lieutenant in the Tank Bri- gade in the Spanishccivil War.

Winnipeg ~

1‘ Quality . . or cost? .

S As a cable subscriber, I found your article on the Canadian Radio-_televisio_n_ and

to allowthe Saskatchewan cable companies

to transmit their signal via satellite to be

very interesting. " l ' e " \ r However, the concerns of BruceiCowie of

ing-in Willistong N.D., about the decision struck me as amusing They realize their advertising revenues are going to ‘fall, yet they mask these worries with rhetoricabout

Telecommunications Commission decision a

CKTV and Bill Ekberg of Meyer Broadcast-

“common bonds between Northbakota and C

Saskatche,wan’*’ and the‘ threat of U.S.