£ ” peif national ifl&@p§Ba@§¢%,fortheri£ht tmggjoy £reg&¢mgfié ;
:.a &emec£a$iéf3rfi of g0V6?nmenf.Thiséeterminafign isexgyréssedbyfihe, thggéanfifiof fienwcm&nand;chi1dren,whahave left ailthey ka&,th:er¢wn ‘fiativeléfidafld 3aVfi cr0$$9dAth9P3renéesinf6‘FTan¢e%0éSP§pé §heVh¢rrars% and Pe’3eCuti°ntha"V&¥&w°“1d meeta*theh&ndsfiaf Francv~PéaP1e#hewere% T3h§$ica1y towaakAtatfavélhundredétofmiles to Frande,t9wéakt§&¢a:ry‘:"
” h$ir children with the
a>3°§13 Wh0h§73%b9$hovercémé*ith%hun§éfa3§f§6§&~~‘~iw
remained in Barcelcna. And on £he thi¥5dayof Francais triumphfW;
fielonask?§ent?%th¢usand o£M%h;
mhaywe¢a& ?
r¢r éxecution by Fra§h§?g?_, $i$@éiigk pe§p1&“a#3@e¢°39h1@33i*%rav§M%L
to yielé ta such outrageeusan§.i§hum%n treatment.fney havedac1ared ta the _ J §
yhole xka%war1d that they aredetarminedtqfight to th§ finigkgfi;;_,‘
géuasolini knows, when he gpenly states that his troops7wi11 not he w:th&rag§
A This means,my frienfi3;ihat”the Ital
1- A! W (E) U} ad
~;anism yaople will hgaeme Willing slaves ufidef fihe rule af b%r%$r§g%
iascism fir E6 exterminatgi. And I am éanfidant that the Italian and_§e%méflf§_%§4 §
%t:ccps will never fies th@ d&y of sucha pQ1itica1 triumph Gver.the$@ courag$v;,% L
Spanifih fiefiple ; 4?§,rV ‘,1
b1a@dshea.- 3mt”thera can1hena uncauaitiona1 surrenaer tafareignrascist%in— vaders‘ The only conditicnféfanarmistice 15 thewithdfawalofthe foreiga% bm$r¢6neyyAtrQc§g’a1dlegagnairggfrom4Fr&n¢§j3gid8. ThiSth8LOY&li3tgQvm
arnaent agrees todfitoavaid £urther b19sdshe@} Thie thegovernment;headed
i A, . L A f
r®fused teNacceptb&6&nse this Weu1dmean*@fiéath*b10W*¢Athe}P1%n$
and Eusaa1i& Theneya2:st aovermmenz poasessingane anartera *% t%rrit*r¥
% ¢_% g.¢ W 1% a émy a£ oafit lane witk ffififi iarga $efi*P¢”‘S* a Vglltra me %a % %