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i Elect A True .ClIampi PEOPLES’


Restore Democratic

Rights E

Tax / Profits Not _ Wages

For Workers’ Representation. . . . . .. not Sell-Out and Coalition!



The financial interests are using the present war situation as a pretext to curtail democracy for the people at home. Freedom of speech has been replaced by fear and silence, freedom of -the press suppressed,

liberty and justice violated. The essence of demo- .

cracy is the enjoyment of freedom, justice andeco- nomic security by the working people. Democracy can be saved, its lost rights regained and extended through a united movement of the working people.

Now, more than ever before, independent action by R '

theipeople is necessary to beat back the attacks of finance capital and reaction to. save democracy at home. a R


The labor movement in Manitoba received heavy

n blows in this attack upon democracy. The memories

of the heroic days of 1919 and its traditions live in the hearts of thousands of the common people. The successes Won by -labor throughout the years of

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. militant action have left an imprint of fear in the L hearts of the rulers. "

Clasping hands in happy union, the Liberals, Con-

E servatives, CCF’ers and Social Crediters, all speak

in one voice, but not the voice of the people. They speak the voice of reaction, and profit - seeking

“patriots.” Only the voice of the people, through a

united movement of the workers, farmers, women and youth, small businessmen and professional people, will reclaim democracy and give, it new life, broader meaning, and make it serve their needs.

Such a movement is growing. The election of the ' Independent Workers’ candidate to the Legislature

will give leadership to this movement, add new strength to it, and extend its scope through the length and breadth of our province. One voice . in the Legislature, representing true democracy of the common people, will be a tremendous blow to reac-

tion and a victory in the first round of the ifight to ' N

save democracy.

Under the present coalition set-up the needs of

the people have been placed in cold storage. And so

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