The following is comnosite statement teken from correspondence eXplein— ing the various functions of the three agencies, The lnternationel Coordina~ tion Committee, the Children's Commission of the International Coordination Committee and the Central Sanitair~3~

"The Committee of Coordination is a general Committee set up to coordinate international eid to Spain. Itls functions has largely been that of providing’informetion, literature, calling conferences, making appeals or sendirg protests concerning intervention in Spain. It has never been a technical Committee in the real sense of the word;

"Two sub~commissions were developed out of the Committee de Coordine~ tion to provide technical information end work out effective plans of eid in the medicel andchildrenis fieldssp The first has developed into the Centrale Seniteire lnternetionele, which now coordinetes practically i all medical aid to Speina it has anfofficial representative in Valencia, works through government health and medical service departments, and on s the whole is the most efficient group through whom.Canadian medical aid~ ,can“hest he sento All questions dealing with Canadian medical aid to Spain should he handled officially throngh theme Their secretary isq Dr; Georges Velensis Any general fund for the Ganadien'Unit in Spain should also he handled throneh theno d L

“For all childrenis work, The Ghihdren‘s Commission of the Interna— tionale Coordination Committee is the official organization to carry this out, as the dociments sent explain, this Qommission also works throngh official Spanish Government departments in our work. Any money for children’s,colonies or food for children*s relief should be sent throngh'ns5 Until such a moment as general relief sub» commission is created, this Committee cen.hendle shipments of food which are destined for genoral\refngee reliefs i

We general reserve fund in Paris would be best done through the go

I fiontrele scnitaire... rhe Centrele Senitaire took care of sending money to Bra Bethune when he was in Speins You could have full confidence in the organisation to send you prompt and steady reports ion financial as well as other situations. i /

"Concerning the role of the Children's Commission in the support of Childrenls Colonies in Spain. We ere ectnally a technical body charged with furnishing information from.Spain foryChildren*s relief to the verions netionel Committees, making purchases of

. foodstuffs for the Ministry of Pnhlic.Instrnotion for the support

\ of homes, or for the Ministry of Health for hahios and pregnant

women?s‘reliefQ This Gommission is also in charge of seeing thet shipments from various national Committees are*forwarded to Spain in the stiftest and most economic manner, and of providing news, photos end stories concerning childrenis homes or general relief work carried out for any netionel committee in Spain;

"This Commission does not manage the homes in Speinei That would