Hy Liout. fiilliam Kardash

Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen:

Braving tittor cola, hunorods of Calgary citizens turned out this marking morning to the station to Wolcomo 50 of the returning vetrans from Spain. Those ten are a port of the 272 who arrivoi at Holifqz lost Friaay. Thosé men are a paft of 1200 Canaoiono who left the shores of our great country and ought for two years in Spain against the Fascist forces. Four of them are Calgary men, 1% ti theo are from other tarts of Alberta ono 32 are pro~

tceeding to Vanoouvor to~night. Next woek gho remaining 200 volunteers will arriveohome.

They are men like myself, who offered their lives in the causo of world democracy, pooco and freooom; men, who like myself believeo that if democracy is tote soved for the world, oné if Congiians are to continue sew euro in the enjoyment of peaoo and liberty then it woo our duty to go and .fight in the font front-line trenches in Spain and not wait until we ooulo be forced to’ fight tin the in

The Fascist invooors in Spain are throotonin§.our civilizotioo; They are bent on wiping out oomooracy and plunging the people into a oar greater ané acre cruel than the ooflo has ever seen. Thus toooy the éefence lines of Canaaian aomoorocy are on the battlefields of Spain. If the Fascist powers are alloooé to suocood in Spain to~day, than these forces of tartarianiom will to at our ooors to~morrow.t

To some people a fascist attack on Spain or any other for away part of the oorli may seem to kavo nothing to do with Canada, nor to to a threat against Canaéion institutions. Yet there are many thougfitful oné well inform- people in Oonofla who see as to volunteers saw; as Dr. Carltoo W. Stanoly of

Dalhousio University, who saii not long ago in a radio aééross “Freedom is one

lmoivisoblo thing. If a legitimately elected government in Spain is plottei


Eagiinst by two foreign governments, that is'on attack on tho legally constitut~ sw "

d.gmvornmont in Ottawa.”