RELEASE The Sworn Enemies

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Hitler Without Delay!


The anti—‘ist labor prisoners in Camp Kananaskis are in great danger! This is the alarming news which has just reached us!

There are 39 of these men in that camp. They were arrested, interned Without trial or appeal, and lodged there —- what is more, they were lodged with 800 Nazi and Fascist prisoners of War.

“An outbreak of Violence is threatened by these fanatical Nazis and fascists and the labor leaders, who are the sworn enemies of fascism are in actual physical danger.

The situation is serious! So serious that the letteirs which

these men have Written home are full of grave anxiety. Jacob Perrner in a letter says this:

“We feel that we are mo longer safe here on account of the intense ‘hostility toward us of certain Prisoner of War groups in the camp. While the Administration is doing all that is possible to prevent an outbreak of hostilities We are well aware of the existence of blind /fanatics among the Prisoners of War. We feel that We

must either be immediately released or transferred to some other


Thelabor prisoners have sent a resolution by air mail to the Minister of Justicebut so far they have received no reply.