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ccaatiful ccunfiry, lccving behind thaw thci? wivcz cmfi childrcm, rclativec

cnfl fricmflc, hcmcc ccc jccc, ta ~c thcuscnflc cf miles mwav tc gigbccfcr the


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a calf cayc. Prefcrifig starvct1cn;:: death rather than yicla the territory to the enemy, they held cut until food and water finally reached them.

At Bclchite and Turucl, at Gandeca, and Ebro, in all battles Wgrc fight~ ing was fiercest, the ficckcnzie-Pcpineau battalion came through with an ex~

amylc of ccurcgc cnc discipline, bravery cnc hercism. It is such deeds of

ccur Canadicn_herces tc&t§givcs us the assfirance %hat the $§§%g§Efi“§fifi§1c

shall make aemocrccy safe. It is the spirit cf cur aeac herces, whc never will in see their beloved cues, where bodies lie under the Spanish soil, that calls upon ccch and cvcrycne of us to do our share. Eh

These men are coming back, many xixxz&x have already rcturnefl. They

aguvv leffificccausc they chcyca the orders of the Spanish gcvernmcnt. It was a

sacrifice fer them to leave, knowing that the work in Spain, they wect.tc

dc, has not been ccmplctcd. A few days befcre their departure fer Paris,

97 of them cppeclec to the government to remain bchind fie fiefend Barcelona. This reflects the unselfish sacrifices our Canaaians were prcyared cc make fcr our country.

They are all ccming back. 272 of them arrivcé a week age in Ha11fax.c

50 of them were greeted by Calgary citizens at tkc station last Thursday. The remaining 259 are due in the next few days. Their trancpcrtaticn has

been ycié to Halifax. Kc have to provi&c\_thcm with fares to their homes} . . _ i