. his legal suit will make us a laughing stock and open us to ridicule, himself most of all.
None of these arguments seemed to budge him.
He says that he was in action from the time he joined the anti-aircraft battery in the 86th until we came home. He says one of their guns exploded when they were in the Levant and killed some of the crew. He was knocked unconscious. Otherwise he went through undamaged and was finally withdrawn because they had no guns for replacements. He claims his record in Spain was a good one and that he didn't shirk his duties there.
At any rate, 45 years ago I tried to persuade him not to sell his diary, a sample of which you read in the Leader—Post. He agreed then. However, in recent times he sold his diary to the archives in Regina for $150. when I asked him why they paid him he said that it is customary for the public archives to pay for materials, that they are compelled by law to do so.
He told me that he is writing a book himself based on his diary and that his niece is doing typing for him but if he gets a retraction from you he will stop all work on the book.
I think you will be in a better position than I to have a legal opinion. However, if you want to write him,
George Taylor, Q.C., 305-7th St., East, Saskatoon, Sask., S7H OX2
Season's greetings. Elsie and I will be going away for the holidays this week but should be back in Regina the
2nd or 3rd of January. comr dely, //éfijif