aeroplane crash when on his way to take command of the revolt, had paid two visits to Hitler. This revolt had not its origin in Spain. Else, how explain the liberal supply of German and Italian :war machines and munitions? Franco was now revealed as the agent of the International Assassins who had climbed to power over the corpses of the workers and intellectuals of Italy and Germany. So, a similar fate was planned for those who opposed Franco!

At this stage, the governments of Britain and France, in what then

appeared a well-intentioned effort to end German and Italian interfer-

ence, formulated the Non-Intervention Pact. All signatories to the Pact +including Germany and Italy pledged themselves to refrain form aiding either side in Spain. The immediate result of the Pact was that the Spanish government could not receive even those arms that it had ordered and paid for before the outbreak of the revolt.

Nevertheless (it was argued, and hoped) the rebel Generals deprived of foreign aid could not now hold out for long against the overwhelming masses of the Spanish people. I

Throughout the month of September, German and Italian represent- atives sat on Non-Intervention Conferences, in pledge of the neutrality of their respective governments, and solemnly discussed ways and means of localising the war. And throughout that month, their pledged word was broken daily. Gertman and Italian air-squadrons in Spain were augmented; German and Italian artillery and tanks were imported in increasing numbers. As a result, just when victory for the people had

seemed certain, German and Italian aid enabled Franco to take the offensive.

Morocco was Franco’s base. Here, the relatively small Spanish pop- ulation was quickly dealt with in the now trtaditional Fascist manner. There remained the Moroccan population, in whom hatred of Spain was, naturally, a dominating trait. The savagery with which a Spanish Government had crushed Abd el Krim’s war of independence -was still a vivid and bitter memory. Hence, it was not difficult to delude many Moroccans into the belief that —— since Franco was in rkevolt against the Spanish Government he was opposing that tyranny that had for so long oppressed themselves. They did not realise that the Government against which Franco was in revolt was the very antithesis of the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship that had subjugated them. They did not realise that Franco aimed at an ‘even more ruthless rule than that of Primo de Rivera. All they realised was it was now their turn, that they were now the invaders. So, as they came into Spain —— in German and Italian