Twelve Hundred Canadians in Spain need clothing, cigarettes, chocolates, soap and other comforts. That may mean something to you and then it may not. If after you've read this pamphlet and it does not, then just put this gently away and forget about it. But if it does mean something to you, that these boys on the battle- fields of Spain are in need of these necessities, then YOU must help, and the only way you can help is by donating as much money as you can. You have it in your power to make it possible to send a gift to every Canadian boy in Spain. $5,000 is needed immediately! And our organization is out to get it because we know the people of Canada are not going to let our boys down. Send Your Donations Today! Get your friends to send donations, to the Friends of the Mackenzie- Papineau Battalion, Room 214, 331 Bay St., Toronto. Phone WA. 1455. Executive Secretary, Beatrice Colle. On the other side of this page you will find a form. Fill it out and mail it immediately. And don't put it off. One day here is equiva- lent to ten under shell-fire and those boys need all the practical sup- port we can give them. SO GIVE.