up 3 at

Ani in face of these sad facts, the Spanish gomernment is fienied the right to purchase the inetrumente of self~&efence -— enti~eiroreft une en& eir- planes, While et the same time Franco oyenly receives huge engyliee from the feecist countries. Hoeever, one ooeerely bomterdmente have not broken the spirit of tee Sgenish neoyle. They are continuing eta stiffening their reeieteece, for they knee that justice ené right ere on their side. For they know that the victory of Franco would mean an end to the existence of the Spenisn yeople as an iniepenient nation. V The fall of Barcelona one the province of Catalonia is a severe set~tace for the government forces. It does not mean however, that the

Loyalist army is eeee or is teeten. it ees er. Chemberlein‘e visit to

Home last month, eere he eeueetly pledged financial assistance to Franco,


\tnet helnei Mueeelini's troops in the ceptnring of Bafoelone. It eee enew

solini who celebrated the viotorrof thei

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iggpture as Btreelega; Balcteona eas e seconé eunich. It is an other danger signal, earning the iemocretic powers to unite eni eelp Loyalist Spain. Tee people of Spain here not eeii their final eoro. The govern- ment is determined to fignt to the victorious ené.1 The Spanish peonle ere eholly tehind their government in this determination. ighen prose reports

stated ghat the people of Barcelona came into the streets to greet Franco's

troops, it was a eomplete nierenreeentetion of the true fecte. Yes, there

eere many peoyle left in Barcelone,eneniItelian troops heedeo the parade. But these eere people, physically too weak to leave the city, they eere sterveo end hnngry, they eere sick ane ill~cleo, thanks to the blockade of the Loyelist government by democretic countries.

Just think of the hundreis of thoueende of eomen end ceiliren, of ole and young leeving their homes, their relations, the properties of their

foregetnere, yes, leaving their own native country, to flee access the Pyren~

888 into Frence, rather then fell victims to the fascist invaders end thel?

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