or the United States shall be shared equally. Film rights have been sold to Cuba for $250.00. Two films have been sent to Paris, one of which is to go to Spain for the use of the Blood Transfusion Institute. The other is for sale. It is part of the agreement with the Sanidad Militar that the profits from the showing of the film in Canada shall be used for the purchase of equipment and supplies for the Blood Transfusion Institutes. This is to Be supplemental to the monthly cash contribution of $500.00. Now a complete artistic,graphic, forceful representation of Canada’s work in Spain is ready for showing. Writing from New York recently Mr. Kline says,- “We find enthusiasm beyond our wildest hopes among the film people here, among distributors and among the Medical Bureau friends. The film will open in New York in the 55th Street Play House September 4th and after that at the Rialto at 42nd and Broadway. This is the first Loyalist film to play such a straight commercial house.” “Eight copies of the film are now in Canada. One in British Columbia, two in Alberta, one in Saskatchewan, one in Manitoba, one in Quebec and two in Ontario. The Ontario Board of Censors made four important deletions in the film. The matter was taken up by the executive and the following protest was filed,- “That we appeal from the decision of the Ontario Board of Censors in making certain cuts in the 16 M.M. film “Heart of Spain”. These cuts being as follows,- I.- Elim. view of dead horse on street. II.- Elim. views of Hitler and Mussolini with corresponding dial. re Germany and Italy, up to the second view of coffins. III.- Elim. C.U. of surgeon inserting needle in patients arm prior to transfusion. “In particular we strongly protest the elimination of shots of Hitler and Mussolini and the continuity connected therewith. “In our judgement no official board of the Government of the Province of Ontario should act to prevent the laying of responsibility for a share in the horrible atrocities in Spain, that have shocked the civilized world squarely upon these dictators. The stark fact is they are responsible. Why should not the truth be stated in picture as well as from platform. “We submit there is no justification on ethical or political grounds for this elimination. “We are asking that the decision of the Board be reviewed and the elimination restored.”