A resolution was carried thanking Rev. Father Thomas and Rev. Dr. their splendid services on behalf of the committee and A hearty vote of thanks was rendered to the auditor, Mrs. H It was decided kindness in
Salem Bland for the boys. Burpee, who gave her services gratis to the committee.
to send a letter of thanks to the Y. M. C. A. for their giving the room gratis for the National Committee meeting.
In closing Rev. Dr. Bland was called upon by the chairman to say the committee, the heroism of the boys, and expressed the sincere belief that the people of Canada in the vast majority were real democrats and would defend the ideals of
a few words. Dr. Bland lauded the work of
democracy and liberty. IMeeting adjourned at ll P. M;
(Facts and figures given in Mr. Jack Taylor’s report)
Total Number of men who left Canada for Spain
Number returned to Canada
At present in France or Great Britain Killed
Left Spain but returned to various countries
in Europe Missing and reported captured Not accounted for
Number of men receiving weekly grants
Number of doctors and dentists giving services gratis Throughout the Dominion, not including Toronto Toronto
of X~Ray Examinations
of men fitted with eyeglasses and dentures
of men who have received hospitalization
of Operations performed
of men hospitalized since January 1, 1959 in Toront
of men now in hospitals
of men now in T. B. Sanitoriums
of men needing artificial limbs
of men needing artificial eyes
Number Number Number Number
646 171
52 95 214
of Examinations by general physicians and specialists
(The above figures are for the period from Jan. l ~ March 51, l959)
It is estimated that an additional hundred men will return to
Canada, among them a large number of Franco prisoners.
No doubt many
of them will require hospitalization and considerable convalescenoe.