r5%r _e,_,e%e .15 en11ge1§“that we shall ever have to fight for the maintenance of cur demecratic institutions; but if we cannot bring to the mess or the peoplesecurity of life and better standards or 1:ving,ee -« - W" --:7\”"£’-W-..-*"L*“_;."-“e thypugh the mediumfof deneeretie government, thenI fear for the futuree In the meantime, the boys of the Meck— Peps are arriving beck people the have never been known to refuse where it wee nee;1ed. t {I commend this tag day to the good people of Winnipeg, end hope it eiiln;n _rbe generously supported. There are others within the sound of my voice who I am sure :‘ W3“; «:5: fliqfigigfif »f73_;,¢~);4\\\.?%gi”;;1q&¢Y* ‘. > ,< 5. ;'.m.¢, V i would also like to make a contributien to this fund, ané if they will ‘“§;eend their eontributiene into me, I qill”see that they go tn swell the ea? results 03 the ag &ay; e*e1ve + but resolve while giving the; ;eu~ee£» :*3§%*¥ideWell in year pawer to resist any encouragement of fascism in t ‘tetetthis country by progress in away that will* egwi fie J r T of eur democratic institutions. t x, /P ghL4me§.thet your boy, andyer neigh5§r*s bot, need never be meimed er destroyed in a fight against fascist reaction; and let us all eerk to Q make Canada strong through justice and freedom. Mayor?Queen.