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La“ C5nardé,Ile de Re, June 6th, 1939.
My dear Foster Parent:
g ’eEven.though I do not know you, I know you have a heart of gold, and.that you are interested in me. ‘ - r“ e"*
g-I‘am;a little~girl, who is in this colonyer
bepause I don't know where my poor mother is;
.A man lives not only by bread, but also by loveg and.my parents cannot give it to me now,’ Our ' teachers love us, but since there.are two hundred of us, there is not enough to go around. You offer love and I accept it gladly;
As a proof of our friendship, will you send me your photograph? Please excuse me for writing: first.d
From she who loves you.With all her heart.
Lidia Diaz.
Lidia ie twelve years old» she is one of the forty children who have not yet found foster Aparentsc Sixty ohildnen have been “adopted”, but by the end of August, we must find foster parents for the Whole hundred ehildreng who have been given to us in Canada to care fOTo