TO CANADA 11 raw materials and experienced workers, with which to make the means for self-defense. He says that in the fight between Socialism and Fas- cism, the living forces of creative labor are all on one side, and that we should rely on this and send material and machines with which labor can produce. LA PASSIONARIA (with an indescribable gesture of long-suf- fering yet restless patience): Yes, send machines and machine- tools. We will ourselves make the rest. APPENDIX "A" Georg Branting in Spain Georg Branting, Swedish deputy, recently visited Spain for the World Committee Against War and Fascism. His report included the following points: 1) The new cabinet under Caballero will make the creation of a central General Staff possible; this has been a regrettable lack. 2) Everyone in Madrid or Barcelona notes the perfect order in these cities, "an order self-imposed in everybody's interest, by the people's own will for peace and justice.... Everybody knows that the danger comes only from the other side, the Fascists! They act as individual murderers and spies inside the cities, or they send their airplanes from outside to bombard the unsheltered city of Madrid. 3) Fascism managed to put into action not only most of the army officers but also most of the higher bureaucracy and civil servants. The Spanish democracy therefore, in its defense against Fascism, had to im- provise a new order.... This includes public administration of rail- ways, power stations and municipal communications, and also the re- quisitioning of big palaces, which are being used for hospitals. etc., in the interests of national defense. 4) A big democratic people is left without the material possibility of quickly suppressing an armed rebellion. Europe's policy is something new, proclaiming the right for a handful of the privileged to rebel against legal democracy. The power of the Fascist states has forced the democracies into passivity, through their anxiety to avoid war. 5) None the less the blockade is not a general one, against all trade. It is possible to send to Spain raw materials, machines and experts to help in national defense. This is of more advantage to the legitimate government than to the Fascists, since the latter have not the same labor power. The second kind of help that can be given is warm clothing for the soldiers. The third is publicity about the situation. The fourth is enforcement of blockade against the rebels.