MEET ME ON THE BARRICADES Unhappy, dispirited, he continued his walk, all visions of a united front shattered by the thought of the exile in Mexico. A —And just when unity is needed most: executions, charges, recrimination. But if these things are true then who can be certain of anything? But still, the reporters who were at the trials said it was fair. Denny, Duranty. . . . A wave of the wand of his imagination brought Walter Duranty and the Soviet Ambassador to his side. He sighed with relief. “You’ve arrived in the nick of time, Mr. Duranty. I was just thinking of Trotsky and the Moscow trials.” “Simpson, I want you to meet his Excellency, the Soviet Ambassador.” “How do you do, your Excellency?” “Ahm dunt spikink warry good Angleesh, Meester Seemson.” ——Don’t be silly, all these ambassadors are cul- tured people, speak dozens of languages. “Charmed, I’m sure,” said the Ambassador in correct English. —-More like it, Simpson thought. “I’d like to ask a few questions on the Moscow trials, if you don’t _mind, your Excellency.” 89